Father and Shepherd

where do the Waters of God come from? no. there are not from above, but from the light of example. from your own heart that changes openly and willingly to see God’s Heaven that gives every thought to the works of man who change and receive the lesser light as to one gaining truth in Spirit of Gods judgment that’s handed down to your own being, and given trust; to light the hearts of others unto the goodness of change that heals the new beginning to all who open their hearts unto God who is the Father and Shepherd of this flock forever.

Faith and Truth

will man deceive themselves before it was seen to truth or will man walk the lonely road of a specter to prove that the world was given through Him who has sent me to open the true box of knowledge that heals you and me together. but if a man walks under the darkness of truth is he not evil? by showing the truth, the light is shown to both that don’t know but will later. one has faith the other doubt. but both are the same, not knowing until shown.

Hollow’s Eve

the ground looked hollow and the depths of man came searching for me. i knew i would face it sooner or later. so i devised a plan that opened all the ground work of an evil day to produced minions and freedom to the likeness of man through Saint Hood and good deeds done to children and brotherhood man alike. to be shown on a day of lively hood and freedom that can roam the fields of sugar cane and candles lit, under a strict night protecting it’s own womb for  tomorrow. and as wax melts to drive the enemy away so shall it open unto the grounds of peace that returns to light that’s given to the good deeds of children and their brethren.

Demon Seed of Heaven

The Garden’s Keeper

i am the root of God that enters through Heaven on Earth as a victory to life over death. i am the knowledge and sacred capacity under God. and i am the return of Heaven under the Gardens of God that replenishes all four corners of Heaven. Labels: 

 Demon Seed of Abraham

before the first coming of Christ man held a rod of iron and had seven heads that combined all deities above and spoke like the dragon who had dominion over the body and soul of men. as to be like the guardian of the Shepard who will come again. Labels: 

 Deja Vu

 Deja Vu is given as a thought felt through the Spirit of God’s creation as the left side(physical side) of the brain merges with the right(Spiritual side) that knows past and future branching the soul that is rooted in God’s everlasting knowledge to be heard from the right side of the brain that is spiritually grafted with the left side that opens all the senses of the mind, and body. Labels: 

Keepers of Knowledge

 the spirit of an ant is given to wisdom. storing all season but at the last of the season they will search even harder night and day to add to storage. many have stored unto me a gift in Spirit that restores all knowledge to be given to the world. and grace be to the prophets that stored unto the keepers of knowledge that stored night and day unto us at the last of seasons. Labels: 

Given Authority

when we serve God we give authority unto the nations that are under God. and we give authority unto the world and to its Elect that enables the word of God through Me that is held at Hers or His right hand in the presence of all the angels that now have authority given through the Spirit of Christ that holds truth and complete understanding to God’s knowledge. Labels: 

The Lost Shepherd

God is given to the Heavenly return and a False Prophet will be within the seeds of Heaven to be saved as Christian and that’s already gifted in the Spirit of Chance that is to be seen without his father in man. and this will be the Father on Earth and in Heaven as a demon seed unto night and day into the Word of God that is seeded deeply into the earth and the dust that dwelled from a time perished that’s given a time sown to the Fathers of Heaven that find every lost shepherd hidden. Labels: 

Son’s of God

always be true in Spirit. so that flesh will be returned unto the Spirit with knowledge that harvests together unto a nation that speaks the same tongue of God. that will bring New Heavens with a whisper. and everything made effortless in the Spirit of God who seeds a demon unto a soft-spoken voice that’s lifted up from the ground of dust that whence we came that shall return unto the same.

when i branched seven heavens into one tree God saw the Heaven return. i am branched under the creation of God that seeded Me to grant understanding in the Spirit as tomorrow is given to the future and a chasing of the wind to seed the Father and Son unto the olive tree and branch that become grafted for a time that gathers fruit unto all nations and all the works of God created. Labels: 



Deja Vu

Deja Vu is given as a thought felt through the Spirit of God’s creation as the left side(physical side) of the brain merges with the right(Spiritual side) that knows past and future branching the soul that is rooted in God’s everlasting knowledge to be heard from the right side of the brain that is spiritually grafted with the left side that opens all the senses of the mind, and body.